
Usual Presents

Thousand Cuban bananas to two Dutch islands’ coasts in Northern sea on November, 7th has been washed ashore. They have been dropped out on the eve during a storm from floating by cargo ship.
Unripe fruit covered Terschelling and Ameland islands’ beaches, located in 115 kilometers from Amsterdam. Local residents have not decided yet what to do with the cargo which has fallen down them, however offers to direct bananas in local zoos have been already made.
It is necessary to note, that inhabitants of Terschelling have already got used to that dropped out from the ships cargoes are on a regular basis washed ashore to the island. In particular, in 2006 thousand tennis shoes, aluminium diplomats and children's toys has been thrown out to the coast, and about 20 years ago coasts appeared to be covered by sweaters.


Abramovich's Decision

The owner of London "Chelsea" Roman Abramovich is ready to leave football players who openly show discontent with the manger Jose Mourinho dismissal and Avraam Grant’s appointment for this post.
The Russian businessman is not going to allow players’ intervention in club’s affairs. On the last Friday the captain of "Chelsea" John Terri has held players meeting, however a state of affairs has not improved.
The situation is aggravated with that the majority of English mass-media has regarded Avraam Grant's appointment extremely ironically. It has appeared, that the 51-years Israeli expert does not have Pro license, which is necessary for long-term work with a club of the English Premier League level.
Abramovich’s position consists that he will not withhold any of football players which wish to leave "Chelsea" in connection with Mourinho’s resignation and Grant’s appointment.


ecofriendly bio-diesel fuel

First train filled up with ecofriendly bio-diesel fuel was started in London. It has made its first route from London to Llandudno with the guest of honor Gordon Brown a candidate for the Great Britain prime-minister.
Virgin Voyager train uses mixed fuel, 20% of which is produced of bio raw: soybeans, rape seeds and palm oil.
Virgin Trains Company plans to shift its trains to biofuel as the carbon dioxide blowout from biofuel burning is lower than from the usual fuel. But this will happen only if the new train’s testing will have success – during six months it will be running between England, South Wales and Scotland.
It is reported that Great Britain government assists in such ecological undertaking as for the new fuel a reduced tax is imposed. It makes 7 pence for one liter of used biofuel. But for example the tax for usual diesel fuel is 57 pence/liter.
I think it’s the right approach to the problem!


A Present



A horse

I’d like to ride a horse very much!
I’d like it will be a real, huge and very kind horse!


my routine

I cannot think what has come upon me, but all this week I want eat! I’m just always hungry, even at nights!
If will not stop this may come to no good. I can dress all my clothes in as yet. But i have a feeling that this will not last long. I must do something! And this must be done as soon as possible!
I also have a lot of problems with my cat. I know for sure that he is ill and have to go with him to a doctor. But this will be only on Monday.
But now I’m choosing interesting excursions for my next holidays in June. I have a lot of time till that time, but I want to be prepared in advance. For example I’ve found here, but it seems to me too expansive and there is not enough information. Probably the best way to learn what I should see – is to meet native people via ICQ. They can make better advices.



I’m back on my blog after a long break.
In fact summer is a time for movement, smiles and sunburning. I’m almost like a chocolate.
Autumn is also a good time but it’s sad a little bit for me. Today one my friend has appeared in ICQ. I haven’t seen him all the summer. This evening we are planning to meet. We will share our emotions about this summer.


The Greedy Old Woman

There once lived an old man and an old woman, peasants both. One day the old man went to the forest to chop wood. He found an old tree, took up his axe and was about to set to work, but the tree said in a human voice: "Spare me, Old Man, and I will do for you whatever you wish." "All right, then, make me rich." "Very well! Go home, and you'll find that you'll have everything you want waiting for you." The old man came home, and lo!—in place of the old hut stood a new one, and it was full of everything! There was money enough to burn, flour enough to last him and his old woman for dozens of years, and there were so many cows, horses and sheep in the barnyard that it would have taken three days and over to count them all. "Where did all this come from, Old Man?" the old woman asked. "Well, you see, Wife, I found a tree that says it will give me whatever I ask for."
A month passed, and the old woman was no longer content with her rich life. "I know we're rich, but what good does it do us when people show us no respect!" said she." If the steward wants to, he can make us work very hard, and if there's something he doesn't like, he can have us flogged. Go back to the tree and ask it to make you a steward." The old man took his axe, went to the forest and up to the tree and made as if to chop it down. "What do you want, Old Man?" the tree asked. "I want to become a steward." "Very well. And now go with God!"
He came back home, and lo!—he had been made a steward, and there were soldiers waiting for him who wanted him to find them quarters in the village.
"Where have you been gadding about, you old devil?" they shouted. "Find us quarters and good ones. Come on, be quick about it!" And they went at him with the blunt sides of their broadswords and gave him a sound trouncing.
Seeing that a steward too does not always get the respect due him, the old woman said: "What's the good of being a steward! The soldiers gave you a beating, so what is there to say about the landlord: he'll do whatever he wants with you. Go to the forest and ask the tree to make you a landlord."
The old man took his axe, went to the forest and up to the tree and made as if to chop it down. "What do you want, Old Man?" the tree asked. "I want to become a landlord." "Very well. And now go with God!"
The old man became a landlord, but after leading a life of leisure for some time the old woman felt it was not enough and said to the old man: "What's the good of you being a landlord! Now, had you been a colonel it would be a different matter, for everyone would envy us." And she told the old man to go and ask the tree to make him a colonel. The old man took his axe, went to the forest and up to the tree and made as if to chop it down. "What do you want, Old Man?" the tree asked. "I want to become a colonel," the old man said. "Very well, a colonel you shall be! And now go with God!" The old man came back home, and lo!—he had been made colonel.
Some time passed, and the old woman said: "Being a colonel isn't all that much. You could be put in the guardhouse by a general if he so wished. Go to the tree, Old Man, and say that you want to become a general." The old man went to the forest and up to the tree and made as if to chop it down with his axe. "What do you want, Old Man?" the tree asked. "I want to become a general." "Very well. And now go with God!" The old man came back home, and lo!—he had been made general.
Some more time passed, and the old woman, who was no longer content being a general's wife, said to the old man:
"Being a general isn't all that much! If the king so wishes, he can exile you to Siberia. Go to the tree and ask it to make you a king and me a queen." Off went the old man to the forest and up to the tree and made as if to chop it down with his axe. "What is it you want, Old Man?" the tree asked. "I want to be king." "Very well. Go with" God!" The old man came back home, and there were envoys there waiting to take him to the palace. "The king is dead," said they, "and you have been made king in his stead."
The old man and old woman had not reigned very long when the old woman decided that it wasn't enough to be a queen. So she called the old man and said: "To be king isn't all that much! If God so wills, he'll send death after you and you'll find yourself dead and buried. Go to the tree and ask it to make gods of us." Off went the old man to see the tree, but when it had heard out his mad speeches, it rustled its leaves and said: "Not gods shall you be, both of you, but bears!" And the same moment the old man turned into a he-bear and the old woman into a she-bear, and away they ran into the deep of the forest.

Translated by Irina Zheleznova


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